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Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center

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Where is Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center?

Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center is a business providing Nursing home services.

Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center

About Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center

Company Dove Healthcare - Regional Vent Center
Address 2815 Co Hwy I, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, United States
Category Nursing home
About Dove Healthcare is a local healthcare company in northwestern Wisconsin. Dove Healthcare is comprised of six skilled nursing facilities (Dove Healthcare – Bloomer, Osseo, Rice Lake, South Eau Claire, West Eau Claire, and Regional Vent Center) and five assisted living residences (Dove Healthcare - Barron, Orchard Hills Assisted Living, Osseo, Rutledge Home, and South Eau Claire). Core services include rehabilitation (in-patient and out-patient), post-acute care, ventilator care, skilled nursing, long-term, and end-of-life care, as well as assisted living and memory care. Our talented and diverse workforce of over 1000 employees serves an average of 425 residents and patients every day.

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